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DatingApp JAPAN

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The Changing Japanese View of Marriage

ByDatingApp JAPAN

Dec 16, 2024
The Changing Japanese View of Marriage

Over the years, the Japanese view of marriage has developed a unique culture that blends traditional values with modern perspectives that reflect the evolution of society. This fusion can be seen in many aspects, including family relationships, engagement forms, and religious ceremonies. This article will delve deeper into how the Japanese view of marriage blends tradition and modernity.

Traditional View of Marriage

In the past, marriage in Japan emphasized the importance of family ties. The “family” unit functioned as the foundation of society, and marriage was more like a contract between family members than a romantic relationship between individuals. Marriages with a partner chosen by the parents, so-called “arranged marriages,” were common, and especially in rural areas, the inheritance of the family business and maintenance of the land were emphasized.
The division of roles after marriage was also clear. The division of labor, with the husband responsible for providing for the family and the wife for protecting the home, took root as a traditional form. While this structure created a sense of family unity, it also restricted individual freedom.

The Modern View of Marriage

As Japan’s high economic growth period was followed by urbanization and the advance of women into the workforce, the Japanese view of marriage also underwent a change. Love marriages became the mainstream, and individual freedom in choosing a marriage partner came to be respected. For Japanese people today, marriage is no longer a contract between family members, but rather a matter of individual will and happiness.
The division of roles within the family is also changing as more and more couples are working together. It is becoming more common for “dual-earner households” to share housework and childcare, and equal relationships between spouses are being demanded. This change is also linked to social trends that encourage women to pursue careers and men to participate in child rearing.

Changes in Family Relationships

In traditional Japanese marriages, the relationship with the husband’s family was often emphasized, and the wife’s family tended to be relatively estranged. Today, however, this relationship is changing. In particular, as the number of dual-earner couples increases, it is becoming more common for both parents’ families to play a supportive role in childcare and household chores.
Against this backdrop, the relationship between the daughter’s family and the wife’s family is changing from confrontational to one of mutual cooperation and equality. These new family forms are being formed flexibly based on the needs and values of individual families and symbolize the diversification of views on marriage in Japanese society as a whole.

Diversity in Engagements and Weddings

A wide variety of wedding styles exist in Japan, ranging from traditional Shinto ceremonies to modern church ceremonies and even non-religious ceremonies. In traditional weddings, the Shinto wedding ceremony is usually held at a shrine and is characterized by a solemn ceremony centering on family and relatives.
On the other hand, Christian ceremonies and foreign-style resort weddings are also gaining popularity, especially among the younger generation. In addition, casual weddings with lower costs and “nashi weddings,” where the couple dares not hold a wedding ceremony, are also on the rise. This diversification of options is a reflection of couples’ values and lifestyles.

Changing Societal Values

Society’s values toward marriage are also changing against the backdrop of issues such as the declining birthrate, aging population, and unmarried couples. In particular, an increasing number of younger generations believe that marriage is not necessarily a goal in life. This trend is also related to the diversification of lifestyles that emphasize work, hobbies, and self-realization.
In addition, LGBTQ+ couples and de facto marriage options are expanding, and partnerships that are not bound by legal marriage are gaining social recognition. These trends are symbolic of the diversity of views on marriage in Japan, and may be further developed in the future.

The Future of Marriage

The Japanese view of marriage is expected to become more diverse and flexible as it blends the traditional and the modern. Family relationships and forms of marriage will move toward greater respect for individual values and lifestyles. In addition, as the birthrate declines and the population ages, society as a whole will be required to seek new forms of marriage and family.
At the same time, how to incorporate new values while maintaining traditional values is a major challenge facing Japanese society. In order to solve this challenge, not only individuals and families, but also the government and local communities must work together.


The Japanese view of marriage forms a unique culture that blends traditions developed over a long history with the diverse values of today. This fusion continues to evolve in response to social changes and individual needs. In the future, the Japanese view of marriage will continue to build a new image of the family for a new era, with diversity and flexibility as keywords.

By DatingApp JAPAN

DatingApp JAPAN is the No.1 Dating Apps Media in Japan. The main target user group is foreign visitors to Japan who are interested in the daily lives of Japanese people.