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DatingApp JAPAN

No.1 Dating Apps Media in Japan

Unique culture in Japanese partner selection

ByDatingApp JAPAN

Feb 20, 2025
Unique culture in Japanese partner selection

The view of love in Japanese society is unique and deeply related to its historical and cultural background. By exploring the characteristics of this view of love, we can understand what values and behaviors are important to Japanese people when choosing a partner. This understanding will then serve as a bridge for cross-cultural exchange and empathy.

Prudence and Emphasis on Commonalities

When Japanese people choose a partner, they often need to be cautious. This is based on a tendency to consider how the relationship will be viewed socially, not merely on romantic feelings. There is also a marked emphasis on “commonalities” in the Japanese view of love. For example, it is common to choose a partner with similar interests, values, and lifestyle. This tendency stems from the psychological need for a sense of stability and security with a partner.
On the other hand, while many overseas people believe that “opposites attract” (opposites attract), a different approach is the norm in Japan. The emphasis is on developing a sense of mutual trust by finding common ground with the other party.

Family and Social Ties

In Japan, romantic relationships are often closely related to family and social relationships. For example, when dating for the purpose of marriage, the family background, occupation, and educational background of the partner may be considered important. This is because these factors are believed to influence not only the happiness of the individual, but also the stability and harmony of the family as a whole.
These values are especially evident among users of dating and marriage services. These services have popularized a system of introducing compatible partners based on profile information. Not only a partner’s personality and hobbies, but also family structure and future life plans are taken into consideration, so love strongly expresses the aspect of seeking togetherness with family and society.

Nonverbal Communication in Love

Nonverbal communication plays a major role in Japanese romantic love. In many situations, it is required to understand the feelings of the other person through facial expressions, attitudes, and actions, without relying on words. For example, direct confessions of love and expressions of emotion are reserved, while actions that show concern for the other person and attention to detail are emphasized.
These characteristics are rooted in Japanese culture, which places great importance on courtesy and consideration for others. Therefore, it is important for people overseas to understand the importance of this nonverbal communication when establishing romantic relationships with Japanese people. Remember that more than superficial words, actions and attitudes are used as a means of communicating true feelings.

Changing Views of Love and Growing Diversity

In recent years, there have been changes in the Japanese view of love. For example, there is a growing trend toward free love that does not presuppose marriage and the value of choosing to live alone. This can be attributed to economic factors and the influence of lifestyles that emphasize personal freedom.
The existence of the LGBTQ+ community is another important factor that is expanding the diversity of views on romantic love. Same-sex relationships and views on relationships based on gender identity are gradually becoming more accepted. This is a result of the growing appreciation of values that respect diversity, especially among the younger generation.

The Japanese View of Love from a Foreign Perspective

When people from overseas come into contact with the Japanese view of love, they may be surprised by the sensitivity and prudence characteristic of Japanese culture. However, these characteristics are deeply rooted in the Japanese view of relationships and society.
For example, in the U.S. and Europe, it is common for people to aggressively show themselves during dates, whereas in Japan, people are more reserved and respectful of others. Understanding these differences can help reduce the communication gap in cross-cultural relationships.


Understanding the Japanese view of romance is not only an opportunity to understand a different culture, but also to learn about the values, history, and social structure behind it. This will create a deeper level of trust and empathy when people from other countries build relationships with Japanese people.
Love is based on personal feelings and experiences, but cultural influences play a large role in the process of shaping them. We hope that understanding and sharing the uniqueness of the Japanese view of love will further enrich cross-cultural exchanges.

By DatingApp JAPAN

DatingApp JAPAN is the No.1 Dating Apps Media in Japan. The main target user group is foreign visitors to Japan who are interested in the daily lives of Japanese people.